Hajj guide for the year 1444 AH

My pilgrim brother: We put in your hands an explanatory guide that helps to familiarize yourself with all the procedures and actions of Hajj, starting from registration and ending with the rituals.

During the month of Dhu al-Qi`dah, a special message will be sent to each pilgrim stating the date of receiving the baggage at the company’s headquarters located in Al-Faisaliyah district, Sari Street.

You will be contacted by the registration department to determine your destination and to choose one of the two paths:

1- Jeddah – Mina

2- Jeddah – Al-Masjid Al-Haram – Mina

Day of Tarwiyah (the eighth day)

Hajj rituals begin on the eighth day of Dhu al-Hijjah, and it is desirable for the pilgrim at that time to go to Mina, to remain there in ihram, and to pray the Dhuhur, Asser, Maghrib, Isha, and Fajr prayers there at their appointed times, and shorten
the four-day prayer.

• On the eighth of Dhu al-Hijjah, come to the hall before the Fajr prayer, and a message will be sent to you to specify the time in that time.

• Go to the regimental member ( Tafweej Member ) and receive the baggage cards, bus boarding cards, and the ( Hajj id ) in Mina

• Al-Firdous offers light hospitality in the hall, including appetizers and hot drinks.

• The direction of the buses will be within two lanes:

1- Jeddah – Mina

2- Jeddah – Al-Masjid Al-Haram – Mina

Buses destined for the Al harm Mosque ( Al masjid Al haram ) will stop at the places designated for them by the organizing authorities.

• The pilgrims will be transported by mass transit buses designated for the campus, Path (2) to perform Tawaf and Sa’y

• After you finish the Haram, go to the bus stops and board the same bus you arrived in from Jeddah.

• The pilgrims will be received by the accommodation coordinators in the camp and they will guide you to the accommodation sites for each pilgrim. All you have to do is show ( Hajj id )and do not forget your personal bag that you brought with you.

By the grace of God, Al-Firdaws Company has been keen, since its inception, to perform the Dhuhur and Asser prayers in Mina.

• Lunch from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the open buffet tent.

• Giving a general speech to the pilgrims about the work of the Day of Sacrifice by a representative of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs.

• The regimental manager. ( Tafweej Manager) will display the walking plan through the popular audio network in the camp.

• Make sure to receive the train boarding bracelet for you and your companions from the regimental member ( Tafweej member ) accompanying you.

• Install the train boarding fences well in order to highlight the officials when boarding the train.

• Make sure to go to bed early in preparation for the day of Arafah.

Arafa and Muzdalifah day program

• The regimental ( Tafweej ) starts to custom according to the time specified for the company by the competent official authorities.

• Make sure to walk with the regimental member ( Tafweej member ) at the specified time for the Cohort’s ( Tafweej ) exit.

• Take the bracelet of the train with the escorts and put it on the wrist, make sure of the time of promotion, listen to the instructions of the promotion management, and follow up the schedules announced and sent to your mobile.

• When the train arrives, make sure that you and those accompanying you are with the regiment to board the train.

• When you arrive at Arafa camp, show your pilgrim card to the security at the Arafa camp gate.

• Adhere to the instructions of the housing coordinators to direct you to the housing location in Arafa camp.

• Dhuhr and Asr prayers will be held in short and congregational prayers in Arafeh camp.

• Make sure to meet and dedicate yourself to prayer on this great day.

• Breakfast and lunch will be served in Arafa camp.

• The promotion to Muzdalifah begins after sunset, according to the schedule issued by the competent official authorities, and the company is committed to working according to it.

• You and your companions will be provided with a ready-made dinner upon departure to Muzdalifah, so make sure to receive it.

• Remain calm and quiet and listen to the instructions of the cohort member.

Make sure to walk with the regiment and follow the instructions to board the train heading to Muzdalifah.

• When you arrive at the Muzdalifah camp, show the pilgrim’s entry card.

• Follow the instructions of the accommodation coordinators until you are directed to the location of your accommodation.

• Maghrib and Isha prayers in Muzdalifah, both short and collective.

• Dispatching takes place from Muzdalifah to Mina according to the schedule sent by the competent authorities, and the company is committed to it.

• Follow the directions and instructions of the cohort member, in order to facilitate your and your companions’ access to Mina.

Days of Tashreeq (The Tenth Day)

• The train will be heading to Station No. 3 in Mina.

• Upon arrival in Mina, follow the instructions of the promotion member to go to Jamrat Al-Aqaba and return to Al-Firdaws camp, according to the announced promotion schedule.

• Show your Hajj card with your companions when entering the Al-Firdous Camp in Mina.

• Breakfast is served in an open buffet tent.

• The company has provided everything related to showering, such as shampoos and soaps. Take what you need and do not leave it in the toilets after completing it.

• Taking out the sacrifice through the official, declared and licensed sales outlets.

Days of Tashreeq, eleventh day

• The gathering of stoning the Jamaraat begins according to the schedule sent to the company by the competent official authorities.

• Make sure to go out with the regiment at the specified time to throw the pebbles. Start by throwing the small Jamarat with seven pebbles, ( saying Allah Akbar ) with each pebble, then advancing a little and ( make Dua’a ), then the middle Jamarat with seven pebbles, ( saying Allah Akbar ) with each pebble, then advancing a little to the left and ( make Dua’a ), then the Great Jamarat with seven pebbles, ( saying Allah Akbar ) with each pebble.

• Say Allahu Akbar when stoning the Jamarat. Be careful to say du’aa after the small and middle Jamarat

• Upon your return to the camp, you can have hot and cold drinks and some light appetizers, as they are available 24 hours.

• Opening buffets for breakfast starts from 7:00 am to 10:30 am.

• Praying in the Mina camp short, without combining

• Lunch buffets open from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

• Dinner buffets are open from nine : 9:00 pm to eleven : 11 : 00 pm .

• There are cultural programs and guiding words through the representative of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, so make sure to attend them.

Days of Tashreeq, the twelfth day

• Follow the instructions of the regimental member accompanying you in stoning for the twelfth day, as the stoning takes place at the time specified for us by the Ministry of Hajj, and then return with the regimental member to the camp, then go to the Al harm with the regimental member accompanying you via the company’s buses.

• Get a sticker on the bag and write your personal information on it if it was not written down before.

• Make sure to bring your bags to put on the bus.

• After completing the Tawaf and Sa’y, you will go to your bus, and the member of the regiment will be waiting for you to facilitate your process of walking and directing you to the bus, and then the movement will take place to Jeddah

• Offer water and cold drinks on the bus.

• The destination of the bus will be to the hall designated for receiving the guests of Rahman in the city of Jeddah, and it is not allowed to stop at a point on the Al-Haramain Road in order to avoid traffic violations and bus reservations.
• When you arrive in the hall, make sure to take your bags and all your belongings.
• The hall provides hot and cold drinks to welcome the pilgrims upon arrival in Jeddah.        
In conclusion, we say to you an accepted Hajj and a grateful pursuit
And do not forget your brothers to pray

info@frdaus.sa –       92007056 ✉️  — frdaus@frdaus.sa ✉️